Today I would like to invite you to be part of a different company, born in the mountains of Latin America, and supporting the development of a world-class mining industry. The challenge that our clients presented us with was very clear and precise: to receive a high level of habitability for their workers in remote areas that are complex due to their geographical altitude, and extreme temperatures and winds. To address this, we developed construction systems that imply that 70% of the buildings will be built in a factory, in a controlled environment.

In 1995, Tecno Fast was created by professionals “experts in challenges”, all with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Together we developed “megaconstructions” that united architecture, engineering, manufacturing (including furniture), transportation, assembly, urbanization systems and treatment and generation plants in a single package, to be implemented in record time.

The delivery of a finished building that could withstand the effects of a grade 5 earthquake during transportation, equipped with furniture, ready to be occupied, has been essential to our differentiation. Our first project, Collahuasi, in 1996, a megaproject that today has more than 9,000 beds, located at 3,800 meters above sea level, is an example of this. I still remember visiting the site where it was to be built.